
Novitek employs a range of technologies within software engineering, data modelling and applied physics:


Novitek employs a range of technologies within software engineering, data modelling and applied physics:

Edge computing

Industrial automation and interoperability

Informatics and Mathematical Modelling

Time Series

Adaptive Control Theory and Systems

Advanced Signal Processing

Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Inference Systems

Image and Video processing

AI Machine / Deep Learning Algorithms Numerical Computations

Resources and Facilities

Novitek operates a fully equipped IT Lab with extensive Computing Facilities and Systems in our Lab Resource Centre. Includes a development and test environment. Lab resources and facilities supports.

  1. Software tools, components, devices and operating systems for; 

– Mac,

– PC-Windows,

 -Unix, and Adaptive,

– Assistive technology resources,

– Google and Android technologies.

  • Software &Cloud Platform:

– Microsoft Visual Studio, .Net,
– IDEs and development environment: IntelliJ, Eclipse, Java, C/C++, Objective-C, etc

– OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing Infrastructure

  • Back-end platforms and technologies

– C++ / C

– C#

– Matlab

– Python

– Comsol

  • Front-end technologies

– Java

– JS

– php

– Node JS