Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Expert Systems- Knowledge Management Systems, Technologies and Applications (Application)

Our AI focus is on cognitive systems with emphasis on embedded intelligent systems  and information processing with a particular focus on the signals exchange – audio, imagery, behavior – and the opportunities these signals offer for modeling and prediction. Our research and innovation activities is based on statistical machine learning and signal processing, on quantitative analysis of digital media and text, on mobility and complex networks, and on cognitive psychology. We work in cooperation and collaboration with DTU (Denmark), JKU (Austria), and KTU (Lithuania).

On the EXPERT SYSTEMS side, we create and provide solutions within the categories and areas of Knowledge Management (KM) framework, knowledge-based systems, data mining, information and communication technology, artificial intelligence/expert systems, database technology, and modeling, together with their applications for different research and problem domains. KM systems are essential for organisations to access, manage and utilise knowlegde and data.


Novitek have a long term involvement in applied and interdisciplinary research within big data and internet of things (IoT), smart and secure societies, smart manufacturing and life sciences. We provide consultancy services within machine and deep learning models, expert systems, and signal and image processing, and other related multimedia applications and content. Together with our university partners and technologist institutes, we combine our expertise area covering industrial and applied mathematical statistics, time series analysis and adaptive control systems, multimedia and IT systems, dynamic stochastic systems, fuzzy logic and inference systems and learning algorithms.


Our research and development and application areas cover.

  • Intelligent Information Systems
  • Information Engineering, Data Modeling
  • Integrated Information Systems
  • Data Mining, Text Mining
  • Semantic Information Integration, Ontologies
  • Quality in Information Systems
  • Semantic Web
  • Business Intelligence, Data Warehouses
  • Knowledge-centered Systems
  • Decision Support
  • Web Engineering and Web retrieval
  • Process-Aware Information Systems and Similarity Queries
Artificial Intelligence