How can we help you?

IT and GCI system
With our data centers and corresponding IT, ERP, and Geo-Cyber infrastructure, platforms, systems, and technologies located worldwide, Novitek delivers comprehensive security, availability, and data management. This allows you to focus on building and growing your business--

Automation and Control Systems
We deliver client-oriented solutions, services and products in close cooperation with our clients, by utilizing efficient and agile methods that suits our customers and clients. We provide technological solutions across all disciplines and areas within all businesses including product development,...

Mathematical Modelling
We conduct innovation and research activities of high international standard in the above areas that is at the forefront with the development of new knowledge and technology-based solutions to the societal challenges of the digital society where communication technologies are...

Artificial Intelligence
AI focus is on cognitive systems with emphasis on embedded intelligent systems and information processing with a particular focus on the signals exchange – audio, imagery, behavior – and the opportunities these signals offer for modeling and prediction. Our research...

Structural Health Monitoring
We provide structural health monitoring solutions and systems that guarantees the ability for organisations, communities, individuals, platforms, etc to autonomously monitor the structural health, conditions of operational status of equipment, sensors, machinery, systems, etc at their work premises, stations and...

Agrifood Production Systems
Novitek has long term experience within connectivity and interoperability of agricultural automation systems, equipment and machinery. Furthermore, we have expertise and knowledge for integration of the agri-food systems for supply chain processes from farm to consumer. An integration approach...

Logistics and last-mile systems
By use of our cross-disciplinary technology platforms, we are providers of new last-mile delivery solutions for low volume perishable food products, addresses emerging needs in eCommerce and other emerging user groups. Novitek targets a Blue Ocean niche market for direct...

eCommerce and eRetail
We offer in-depth knowledge and expertise on specialized eCommerce solutions that support emerging B2B and B2C services, and new digital supply chains. Novitek has developed a complete in-house agri-food e-commerce platform. The food e-commerce is currently a rapidly growing market...

Environmental Monitoring Systems
We offer technologies for recordings, storage, processing, seamless sensor connectivity and data integration of monitoring systems, remote sensing and environmental surveillance applications. Our systems allow integration of external data resources (remote sensing, weather services, GIS etc.) and locally acquired data...

Energy and Utilities Systems
We provide utilities services for - Presentation : Mobile Devices and In-Premise Devices; Applications & Analytics: Outage Management Systems, Distribution Management Systems, Meter Data Management Systems and Smart Connected devices: For large scale data acquisition new connectivity networks, smart sensors...

Robotic and Autonomous Systems
Through our in-house OPC-UA automation platform, we will be able to solve advanced automation tasks in relation to cross-platform interoperability and mobile machinery. The agricultural- and food sector, including the primary production comprises major industries in Europe with outmost importance...

Edge-IoT Device Gateway
The Edge-IoT Device Connectivity Gateway device facilitates heterogynous field devices connectivity to Cloud hosted services. The gateway’s functionality extends beyond typical IoT gateway by supporting various measurements, diagnostic and control applications