Novitek DriverPa Last Mile Logistics and Fleet Management System
By use of our cross-disciplinary technology platforms, we are providers of new last-mile delivery solutions for low volume perishable food products, addresses emerging needs in eCommerce and other emerging user groups.
DriverPa – an autonomous intelligent integrated agribusiness Central Brokerage Service (CBS) hub as one integrated solution for connecting consumers with farmers/ producers/manufacturers/service providers, comprising;
1) eCommerce providing a marketplace, online retail and route to a group products and services market in Denmark, EU and globally;
2) Last mile delivery services platform providing delivery services for consumers and suppliers of ago products from point-of-sales sources to consumers delivery addresses; and
3) Farm management information system (FMIS) for data connectivity and transfer, and also enables seamless integration and interoperability of Bio-farming, Precision and Smart Agriculture systems, IoT devices, automation systems and IT systems in farms and farm production activities.
The CBS serving as a single service brokerage point for agro production and supply-demand users and end-users, typically, SMEs, within the food value chain (eg. buyers, sellers and service providers of agribusiness products and services).
The innovation is based on EU and Eurostars CLAFIS and CALIS projects. The CBS has the requisite integrated & validated technologies of FMIS, marketplaces & delivery applications, industrial automation, M2M, IoT, etc, and it enables producers and product owners manage growth, inventory peaks, returns and new-market entry by creating point-of-sales (PoS) networks that scales up & down as necessary. DriverPa;
a) Supports farmgate sales and encourage farmers to engage in direct marketing schemes for their produce (in line with EU’s “Product of my farm” initiative on supporting rural areas).
b) Addresses the needs/problems of/for direct match-making, sales and fast distribution of perishable agro products (small/large quantities), by connecting producers, suppliers, logistics and service providers and consumers at a low price-point.
c) Provides route to market (e.g. Farmers/farms (<5-10 ha)), reduce marketing, operations and delivery costs (by <40-100%; <50%; and <40%-50%) respectively compared to current). Delivery drivers and Sellers make gains >80%-87.5% on each sale and/or delivery service.
d) Improves data integration on agriculture farmland for effective and single-point data management, guarantees 100% ownership of data and guarantees data security + privacy i compliance with EU regulations on data privacy and supports reliable data rates to mobile equipment, >10MB/s, and autonomous data collection. Nemlig is a competing solution based on warehouse networks that scales according to demand. In DriverPa we eliminate the need for warehouse which cut costs significantly. Our targeted audiences are: 1) Consumers & Producers of food (incl. general public consumers), equipment, seed and feed; b) Service providers (eg. logistics, retailers, technologies)

Vehicle tracking platform
Novitek fleet management services are targeting micro sized businesses and start-ups. Our services offer quick deployment of vehicle tracking and fleet management functionality, to be used by e.g. bus services, taxi driving, machinery rental services, transport logistics, agriculture drones, and tracking of robotic machinery etc.

A“Last-Mile”European Food Logistics (“Last-Mile”EFL) which is an Uber-like taxi delivery and shipping system/ service having similar functionalities and features similar to that of Uber from a multi-user perspective, and the services provided by the EFL also make sure that the correct taxes (VAT) are paid as required by the country of operations in the EU. The EFL system component of the integrated solution final trial is focusing on i) remote assistance, ii) monitoring and tracking field devices and vehicles and iii) accessing and diagnosing issues of devices and vehicles so as to maximize their efficiency in real-time remotely in the field.
This component of the integrated solution have multi-delivery options such as many-2-many, many-2-one and one-2-many and allows either the buyer buy products in more than one location and/or also allow the seller or buyer to book delivery of more than one item in a go.
The EFL will lead to improvement in fleet available rate by 95% in Agribusiness sector and preventive maintenance tasks/schedules of equipment and machinery and sensors including vehicles and tractors and other related compliance programs by 95% on-time and will also help reduce waste by 30-60% of harvested products not needed at specific location and can be transported to locations where buyers need such products including shipping/transporting products that are close to expiry to places where they are needed.
The Last Mile Logistics Delivery Platform (L2DP) is based around the idea of last mile delivery as a service where consumer demand is matched with the offering of different transport means (collection points, e-trucks, bikes, delivery by other consumers, etc). The platform uses an algorithm that optimizes the mode of last mile delivery taking into account the ecological footprint, cost to serve, available capacity, traffic data and consumer preferences. Dynamic pricing will be tested at consumer level to increase sustainable behaviour. The primary characteristics / benefits of the new Agro-value chain models include:
- Facilitate versatile, effective and fast transport and logistics of perishable food and goods.
- Better linkage between production and consumer demand
- Producers are provided better access to the market and consumer needs
- Facilitate delivery of fresh, local agri food products to consumers
- Eliminate cost of intermediaries thus reduce prices of agri food products
- Reduce generation of waste products, also contributing to lower selling prices for consumers
- Overall increasing the productivity and efficiency of agri-product value chain
Thus overall reducing energy consumption, environmental emissions and GHG emission from the primary production supply chain.

The solution is also solving a fundamental challenge for especially small farm holdings to getting into local supply chains, and will help save time and labour for farmers in accessing market data, reaching customers, advertising, marketing/selling and buying agriculture production products (edible and non-edible) and resources. The platform will also enable buyers of agro products and services to view real-time inventory of participating farms and place orders, manage issues pertaining to food safety certifications from participating farms, etc. For example, the system automates the updates users existing suppliers and create a dashboard view of what’s available for purchase. Thus, the solution is establishing new cross-connections in the Agribusiness and food chain, by connecting: a) Distributors to/from local farms, b) Grocery stores to/from local farms, c) Retailers to/from local farms, and d) Food hubs to/from local farms